Hi, willkommen auf meinem Blog. Ich finde Social Media fantastisch, du findest mich auf Mastodon (siehe ÜBER MICH). Hier kann ich etwas längere Texte posten. Ich werde hier Texte posten zu Themen die mich bewegen. Ein Experiment!
I did a 'carbon-footprint' analysis of my personal lifestyle a few years back. I've been a vegan then already, avoiding flying where I could and also otherwise avoided most of what has a big
footprint. To my big surprise if everybody lived like me we would end up with consuming 1.7 times the earths available resources per year. How could that be? An A+
pupil in the climate class like me? I went on filling in the 'footprint calculator' one more time, this time filling in everything as sustainable as possible (e.g. living in the least energy
consuming house etc., which I didn't back then). I ended up still consuming 1.4 earths. I was baffled.
The disclaimer of the WWF website which provided the calculator, said that even if we make sustainable individual choices, there are lock-ins in the system that we cannot change with our
consumption choices, they're only a part of what our society and economy as a whole (over-)consumes.
Individual change is important but system change is key. I could go into lengths here. But to keep it short: the concept of the 'personal carbon footprint' is an invention of BP, yes, British
Petrol and it has not been invented by a fossil corporation out of altruism or a vision for a better world. It's been invented to deflect the discourse away from systemic to individual choices.
As long as we're busy optimizing our footprint (and flight-shaming our neighbor) these corporations can go on with business as usual until our planet is a train wreck.
I could again go into lengths about the fossil industry's track record of disrespect for science and the evidence based method that both you and I hold dear. Of climate change obstruction, of
sowing doubt about scientific facts about climate change, of discrediting scientists. But I just want to say that them wanting to stay present at 'the world's most sustainable university' is not
by accident.